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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Episode 017 - Mecha-News

Here for your listening pleasure is episode 017!

We start off this episode with some discussion of some recently released movie trailers, Man of Steel, Star Trek into Darkness and Pacific Rim. We discuss why we are or aren't looking forward to these releases and how it might be setting the stage for the new Godzilla in 2014.

Speaking of Godzilla our movie for this episode is 1974's 
Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla. We talk about spinning cyborg heads and why King Seeser has to be the laziest monster ever...

Listen to the podcasty goodness here

Our film for next time is The Raven with Vincent Price, Peter Lorre and the one and only Boris Karloff!

Thoughts or comments? Email us at:

And be sure to listen to our sistercast Geeks Explain It All

Merry Christmas!

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