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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Episode 013 - Private Kaiju

In this, the lucky 13th episode I am joined by Kevin as we discuss a somewhat serious subject:
Privacy in social media and how companies are reviewing the pages of prospective applicants. 

Next is a discussion of N C Soft and how they are shutting down City of Heroes and the community that has sprung up there.

"It Came From Beneath The Drive In Movie"
A discussion of the original Rodan movie from 1956.

Hard to believe its been 6 months since I started this but its been loads of fun and thank you to all of you out there for your support!
 Our movie for  next time is "The House on Haunted Hill" Starring Vincent Price
New episode here

feedback is welcome at:

visit our sistercast at: Geeks Explain it All

Until next time...

Be Good

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh bear... Had to go there... men *headshake*
