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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Episode 028 - Gamera Guardian of the Universe

It's 1995 and the 80's have made it to Japan!
Well the fashions anyway...
After last episode's disappointing film this time around we review Gamera Guardian of the Universe!

There are tangents aplenty and some interesting insights and well, you should probably just listen here !


Our film for nest time is:
The 4-D Man
Starring Gary Seven!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Episode 027 - Logan's Run

We wanted to like this one folks, we really did...

Yup once again we find ourselves reviewing a film we just did not enjoy, Logan's Run.

Along the way we reference Smokey and the Bandit, Sean Connery, mall hair and Austin Powers 

Here it here

Next up:
Gamera Guardian of the Universe

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Episode 026 - Matango!

The Attack of the Mushroom People!
Its an all star cast of the Toho players as we discuss a favorite from our youth.
Along the way we reference Gilligan's Island, Lord of the Flies and Kumi Mizuno
What are you waiting for? Listen now here
Next up,
Logan's Run

Questions? Comments?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Episode 025 - The Larry Awards

It is our first anniversary and how did we choose to celebrate?
By honoring the best and worst of the films we have review over the past year.
We also induct the first class into the SLDI Hall of Fame as well as giving out our first Golden Flush Award for worst movie of the year.
listen to the goodness here

Agree? Disagree? Contact us at:

And be sure to listen to our sistercast
Geeks Explain It All

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Episode 024 - THEM!!

It is time for the latest episode!
This time around Stratosphear and I discuss that gem from 1954, THEM!
Giant ants, Marshall Dillon, illegal aliens and Leonard Nimoy (briefly)
We had a bit of a problem not laughing during the recording session but as I was editing I decided to just let the break ups in the show so enjoy the goodness here
Next up we are doing our first annual Larry (get it?) Awards in honor of our one year anniversary of doing the show!
after that?
Matango: Attack of the Mushroom People!

And be sure to listen to Geeks Explain It All

Monday, April 8, 2013

Episode 023 - Monster Zero

Faithful listeners, in this latest episode Stratosphear and I, your Fearless Leader D-Dub tackle a favorite movie from our youth,
Monster Zero!
During the discussion we talk about the many faces of Kumi Mizuno, dubbing english into Japanese and why See See Rider would be a cool entrance song for King Ghidorah...

Find the audio goodness here

Comments are always welcome at:

Visit our Geeks Explain it All group on Facebook to vote for the first inductees into the SLDI Hall of Fame

Next up:
Then it is time for our one year anniversary show!

Don't forget our sistercast Geeks Explain it All 

Subscribe to us on itunes!


Monday, March 25, 2013

Episode 022 - Revenge of Frankenstein

On this episode we discuss the 1958 film Revenge of Frankenstein starring Peter Cushing.
This is our first look at a Hammer film and I am sure that many of you are wondering why we picked this one.
Simple answer, I had it on the amazing shelf of unwatched films!
Oddly enough (well for us anyway) we don't go off on any tangents but don't let that deter you faithful listeners!
listen here

Comments? Questions? Movie suggestions?

While you are out there bouncing around on the interweb be sure to listen to our sistercast:

Subscribe in iTunes and leave us  a review!

Next up:
Monster Zero

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Episode 021 - Daimajin

This time around Stratosphear and I review a very serious film from the studio that brought you Gamera:


Even though the film is serious we still manage to reference in passing Pee Wee Herman, Tim Burton and others. How? You can find out by listening here

I end the show with a quick tribute to the late Del Tenney so be sure to listen all the way through!

Feedback always welcome at:

Next up:
The Revenge of Frankenstein with Peter Cushing

Monster Zero

So weigh in on those!

as always listen to our sistercast at:

Subscribe to us on iTunes!
Leave a review!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Episode 020- Horror of Party Beach

This is our 20th episode and its a dandy!

First we have an all new opening for the podcast, all in keeping with the name change to the Secret Lair Drive in, still a work in progress but its a start!

In keeping with the crosscast surf theme, Horror of Party Beach is our gem for this time, a Del Tenney classic.
I gave this a Craptastic Rating and Strat went with Crapfest, hear our reasons and the discussion here

Next up is Daimajin followed by the Revenge of Frankenstein

Want to suggest a movie or have a comment?

Listen to our sistercast at:Geeks Explain it All

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Episode 019 - Gamera vs Guiron

Hard to believe its already been 19 episodes but we are just starting to pick up steam!

We take a look at a little gem from 1969, Gamera vs Guiron or Attack of the Monsters or whatever you want to call it. Needless to say we have fun with it and pick it apart all the while maintaining that we did indeed like it.

Listen here

Next up is the Del Tenney classic (?) Horror of Party Beach and after that...


Question comments and suggestions can be sent to: 

If you haven't already listen to our sistercast at:
Geeks Explain It All 

Until Next Time...

Be Good...

Friday, January 25, 2013

Episode 018 - The Raven

Well its been a while but here is the very latest episode of the Secret Lair (Drive In)

We look at a movie with some serious horror star power in Vincent Price, Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre, not to mention a very young Jack Nicholson...

Does it live up to its pedigree? Well you will just have to listen and hear our opinion here

Next up is the classic (?) Gamera vs Guiron

After that the Horror Of Party Beach

Suggestions and comments are always welcome at: 

While you are at it be sure to listen to our sistercast at: Geeks Explain It All 

Want to be a part of the GEIA network? Contact us!