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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Episode 020- Horror of Party Beach

This is our 20th episode and its a dandy!

First we have an all new opening for the podcast, all in keeping with the name change to the Secret Lair Drive in, still a work in progress but its a start!

In keeping with the crosscast surf theme, Horror of Party Beach is our gem for this time, a Del Tenney classic.
I gave this a Craptastic Rating and Strat went with Crapfest, hear our reasons and the discussion here

Next up is Daimajin followed by the Revenge of Frankenstein

Want to suggest a movie or have a comment?

Listen to our sistercast at:Geeks Explain it All

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Episode 019 - Gamera vs Guiron

Hard to believe its already been 19 episodes but we are just starting to pick up steam!

We take a look at a little gem from 1969, Gamera vs Guiron or Attack of the Monsters or whatever you want to call it. Needless to say we have fun with it and pick it apart all the while maintaining that we did indeed like it.

Listen here

Next up is the Del Tenney classic (?) Horror of Party Beach and after that...


Question comments and suggestions can be sent to: 

If you haven't already listen to our sistercast at:
Geeks Explain It All 

Until Next Time...

Be Good...